Wednesday, January 22, 2014

30 Paintings in 30 Days - Day 21 & 22 - That's Crazy!

"That's Crazy!"

On the first day, I applied a variety of fluorescent ink colors to the surface of a piece of drafting film. I let it dry a full 24 hours before I applied the layer of black ink. Their is little to no absorbing of the ink into the film, allowing the ink to spread out, but when it dries, holding the ink in place on the surface. Letting the ink set for 24 hours insures that. Consequently, when you apply a layer of ink on top of that, it spreads out over the ink rather than pushing the colors out of the way.  Now, put that all on top of a light box and this is what you get!  How do you like this compared to the ink paintings done on the other paper?

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