Thursday, September 26, 2013

30 in 30 - Day 26 - Painting on Furniture

"Audrey on Red Stool"
Oil, 8", on wood stool.

This 30 day challenge has had me doing a lot of experimenting.  Today I thought it would try using furniture as my canvas.  The flower is a small version of a large piece I did earlier this year. The stool is 8" across and 9" high so it it pretty small. Painting on this piece was a bit awkward at first as I tried to figure out the best angle to paint at and where to put my materials.  What do you think about furniture as a canvas?

4 comments: said...

Hi Lisa - I really love the way this is painted with clean strokes. The stool is a masterpiece with the cool light hitting it making the flower glow.

Lisa Payne said...

Thank you, Julie!

iy said...

I love this! Could you paint an iris on a little table for me?
Maybe during that Creative Play Day?

Lisa Payne said...

Certainly! I'd better start practicing my Irises!

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