Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Egg - Abstract Style

If you were in an abstract world, these are the kinds of Easter eggs you would hunt for.  I hope you all were able to do exactly what you wanted to do to make this day special.

Purchase a print of this picture here.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Aloha Anthurium

This anthurium is from the same Hawaiian island as the hibiscus - rich and vivid pinks and greens!  I hope I managed to capture some of its beauty in oil.

Click here to purchase this picture.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Going Going Green

This weekend we went to the Richard Jackson retrospective, Ain't Painting a Pain, the Orange County Museum of Art through May 5th, 2013. Jackson wants you to be uncomfortable with but at the same time experience the art.  My purpose here is not discomfort but to see how the different greens relate to one another in this space.

Click here to order a a print of this picture.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Vermillion Variations

This is a combination of Vermillion, Florescent Orange and Chrome Orange.  The florescent seems to ooze from behind the other colors.  I hope to be selling prints of these ink works soon!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pink Gerberas

My friend brought these flowers into the office the other day. Unhappy with any arrangements she could find, she wrapped the inside of the square glass vase in leaves and put these lovely pink gerberas in the middle.  I hope she keeps doing this......

Purchase this painting here.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Daffodils - Abstract

I wanted to stay as bright as possible with these colors.  The bursts of of the green around the edges give a framework to the warm colors in the middle. This 9x12 piece is bigger that I have done in the past.

Click here to purchase a print of this picture.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sake To Me - Yellow

A light color sake container and stacked cups against the yellow background with a reflection in shades of olive.  Makes me want to go to the Japanese market!

Purchase this picture here.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Duck -SOLD

We are fortunate to live by a lovely lake.  Although it is a lake constructed by human beings, it manages to attract an abundance of bird-life.  These ducks are among the many we look forward to seeing along with their ducklings later on in the year. The browns and blues work well together be it on land or see or duck.  So glad we got a bit of orange in here too thanks to the duck's legs!

Purchase this picture here.
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