Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shio Ramen

Mitsuwa is a wonderful Japanese market in our area.  This amazing place contains a grocery, a variety of shops where you can buy dishes, books, plane tickets to Japan and a FOOD COURT!  Inside the food court is a little place called Santouka where they make some of the best ramen in the county.  This is a still life of our favorite choice, Shio ramen. Pork, mushrooms, bamboo, green onion and fish cake, almost too pretty to eat but somehow we manage it!


iy said...

I LOVE this painting, perhaps even more than your other works, because I LOVE Santouka shio ramen so much! That rich pork-y tonkotsu broth ... Mmmmmm,I'd like some now ...

iy said...

In fact, here's my homage to Santouka on my RawFishionado blog:

Unknown said...

Looks yummy - where is this place? or would you rather not share -

Lisa Payne said...

If you are in Orange County, California, here is the nearest location.

Mitsuwa Markets also exist in San Diego, San Gabriel, Santa Monica, San Jose and Torrance. If you are outside of California you can find them in Chicago and New Jersey.

Unknown said...

I love this painting! To me it's soy pork, of course...

Vy Pham said...


Lisa Payne said...

Your wish is my command!

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