Saturday, July 20, 2013

Watercolor Experimenting

I have had a set of watercolors for two years and never opened them. I was way over-thinking getting started.  recently i was reading posts by artist Dreama Tolle Perry who finished leading a two-week workshop in France.  During the trip she posted some watercolor postcards that she painted along with reference photos for those of us who did not go to France.  Yesterday, I reread all the blog posts from the trip and that was what finally got me to open the watercolors and just jump in.  Today i did this watercolor version of a painting I did previously in oil, Red Pear.

Is there anything you have thought about for a long time and are afraid to just jump in and try?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Audrey Completed

I have completed Audrey, the succulent flower that blooms once a year.  What a treasure to catch this in a painting.  This is an 18x24 piece and is much larger than the pieces I have done recently.  It was enormous fun to spread that much color around!  Initially I had planned to do more with the background but after I got all the initial pinkish gray in, I felt like to do any more would detract from the star of the show.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Audrey - a little background

Today I was able to start adding some background to Audrey - laying in some pinkish, gray tones.
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