Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fire Goats of Laguna - Stage 4

Here we are with goats, the beginnings of grass on the hill, some texture on the rocks, and some work on the trees and shrubbery in the upper left region.  I still have not returned to the house -- I guess it is just not his turn!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fire Goats of Laguna - Stage 3

This session was pretty much all about the goats.  They are so abundant in this scene, I wanted to get as many of them in as I could in all of their color and size variations.  The next session I will go back to the house, and work on some of the landscape so that you can get a sense of where these goats are roaming.  Thank you, everyone, for the feedback which I hope to incorporate in the next go-around!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fire Goats of Laguna - Stage 2

I started by adding some terra rosa on to the canvas and then over that I blocked in the large areas of color which you see above.  However, you will see a small area of rose color in the middle.  I love this color so much that, even though it was not a large area, I just wanted to do a light wash with the color to see how it would look.  What do you think?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fire Goats of Laguna

It is going to be a painting of the goats that graze on the dry brush in the hills Laguna Beach. The fire department employs them to keep the growth at bay. I love them -- they are so cute! For this piece I am using a wood panel that I have sanded and gessoed. The initial sketch is done in charcoal. I hope you enjoy tracking the progress.
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